ICCS Symposia should host contemporary research topics in cognitive sciences. Symposia can be organized by content area or by method, but talks within a symposium should focus on broader conceptual themes than a typical presentation. The organizer should submit both a brief introduction to the theme of the symposum ( max 300 English words), together with the abstract of each individual talk (max 300 Englsih words).
There should be at least five and no more than six speakers within a symposium session, and each talk should be scheduled for between 15 and 20 minutes, including time for discussion. Discussion time can be scheduled after individual talks and/or at the end of the session. The total duration of a symposium should not exceed 90 minutes.
Submissions Open:December 10, 2016
Symposia submissions due:March 1, 2017
Abstract submissions due:April 10, 2017
Authors will be notified of decisions by:May 20-22, 2017
Registration open:May 21, 2017
Conference:September 1-3, 2017