ICCS 2017 features six invited symposia on the following topics: Consciousness and Self: Levels, Limits, and the Spontaneous Brain, Social Neuroscience, Language Experience and Neuroplasticity, Mathematical Cognition and the Brain, Perception and Media Technology, Neural Mechanisms for Context-Dependent Preferences. Prominent scholars in these research fields, including Professors Patricia Churchland (Consiousness), Larry Young(Social Neuroscience), Yi-Ping Hung, Polly Huang, Shao-Yi Chien (Perception & Media Technology), Ping Li (Language Experience), Brian Butterworth (Mathematical Cognition), Hiroyuki Nakahara, and Hackjin Kim (Context-dependent Preferences) have accepted our invitations to speak at these symposia. We believe the invited symposium series will bring very stimulating discussions in the conference. Please join us at the exciting ICCS 2017!
Submissions Open:December 10, 2016
Symposia submissions due:March 1, 2017
Abstract submissions due:April 10, 2017
Authors will be notified of decisions by:May 20-22, 2017
Registration open:May 21, 2017
Conference:September 1-3, 2017